Saturday, September 14, 2013


Introducing the first toothbrush you will actually care about! The Bogobrush is not only a toothbrush, it is a toothbrush that serves a purpose other than to clean your mouth. Perfectly designed to provide an effortless feel in both your hand and mouth. The Bogobrush is composed of nylon bristles and a bamboo handle that is biodegradable. So when it is time to replace the brush for a new one you just discard the bristles and return it to the earth.

One of the most important features of buying the Bogobrush is the "Buy One + Give One" concept. When you purchase a Bogobrush not only do you receive this high quality brush, another person in need will receive the same brush! With over 80 million people in the USA alone lacking access to adequate dental care...this would improve the quality of your life as well as another individual in desperate need.

With all of the struggling going on in the world it is hard to help everyone, but if we all do our part then we can make the world a better place. Remember, every little bit helps.
Visit BOGOBRUSH to get yours!

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